2010.03.31. 16:12
Duck And Cover - kisfilm
Poszt-apokaliptikus kísérleti film. The Heads zenére komponálva.
2010.03.17. 13:26
Koncert és filmvetítés
Lemezbemutató és filmvetítés.
Időpont: 2010. 03. 24. (szerda) - 20:30
Helyszín: Eötvös10, VI. kerület, Eötvös utca 10 (http://www.eotvos10.hu/)
2010.01.20. 00:10
Petting With Your Sister
"I'd like to begin with a fact. A simple, yet shocking fact. Through this material today's youth can be stimulated to sexual activity for which he has no legitimate outlet. He is even enticed to enter the world of homosexuals, lesbians, sadists, masochists, and other sex deviants. These abnormalities are corrupting the minds and the hearts of our children. A detailed course in perversion, abnormal sex, crime and violence, with it's overtones of bestiality...and with lesbian implications. This is true."
(Petting with your sister)
"And just when you thought you were safe...here comes the unexpected! Levente Szabó and Imre Varjú in the house! With your sister, of course. So, prepare yourselves for the ride...cause here we go..."
I must admit mister:
I was petting with your sister!
Caressed her breasts and kissed her
(petting with your sister)
I must admit mister
(petting with your sister)
I could not resist her
(petting with your sister)
I must admit mister
(petting with your sister)
"We must save our nation from the decay, and deliver our children from the horrors of perversion! Oh God, deliver us...from Evil..."
2009.09.11. 23:46
Wasteland City Center
Igen. Koncert. A Westend-ben. Szombaton. Tessék eljönni. Hallgatni, fotzóni, videózni. Illetve terjeszteni Facebook-on, Wiw-en, Twitter-en, MSN-en, kinek mi tetszik.